Curious George

A fountain of material and immaterial information - Things that I spend my days wondering about... and perhaps you have been too? Check out for more curious questions (and answers to them)

Monday, October 17, 2005

Trafikantens nye reiseplanlegger - for de som liker å gå....

Var nysjerring på hvor lang tid det ville ta å ta buss evt trikk til
jobben - så jeg gikk på og brukte deres nye fine
Tastet inn adressen min og ønsket ankomst-sted, og ut kom svaret:
Bruk beina din late sabb (for de av dere som lurer, så er en Lat Sabb
litt lik en latsabb, men ikke helt.....)

"Fra: Pilestredet 53 (Oslo) 17. oktober 2005 - 08:10
Til: Aker brygge [båt] (Oslo)
Gangveg fra Pilestredet 53 til Nationaltheatret [T-bane] ca . 13 minutter.
Gangveg fra Nationaltheatret [T-bane] til Aker brygge [båt] ca . 11 minutter.

Sammenlagt reisetid: 24 minutter
Maks gangavstand er satt til ca. 20 min eller 1400 meter."

Kjekt å vite hvilket enorm tilbud som Trafikanten har å komme med.
Hadde jeg bare kunnet slippe å gå innom Nationaltheatret og heller
gått rett til Aker Brygge gjennom slottsparken så kunne jeg vel spart
noen minutter.... men men - Trafikanten vet best.

Oslo - Bergen er 2 ukers gange....... (hvis man husker å gå innom alle
togstasjonene på veien)

(For you English readers out there, this is just a result of a "mapquest by public transport" query - evidently there is no good way of using public transport for the route that I wanted to go, because I got the message back that I should walk instead (but went slightly short of calling me a fat pig that needed exercise))

Monday, October 10, 2005

Why do men have nipples

So who DO men have nipples you might ask yourself?
I obviously do all the time (I mean seriously - who doesnt)
The research I've found is slightly differing, but this seems to have been the most detailed as of yet.
Key words I have found out are Autosomes and sex hormones - write it behind your ear (or next to your nipple if you must)

Nobody really knows why men have nipples. Nipples aren't a sex-linked characteristic. In other words, nipples are just one of those sexually neutral pieces of equipment, like arms or brains, that humans get regardless of sex.

As you may know, every human being gets a unique set of 23 pairs of chromosomes at conception. These fall into two categories. One pair of chromosomes determines sex--the XX combination means you become female, the XY combination means you become male.

The other 22 pairs, the non-sex chromosomes (they're called autosomes), supply what we might call the standard equipment that all humans get. These 22 pairs constitute an all-purpose genetic blueprint that in effect is programmed for either maleness or femaleness by the sex chromosomes. The programming is done by the hormones secreted by the sex glands.

For example, the autosomes give you a voice box, while the sex hormones determine whether it's going to be a deep male voice or a high female voice. Similarly, the autosomes give you nipples, and the sex hormones determine whether said nipples are going to be functioning (in females) or not (in males).

One interesting consequence of the developmental set-up just described is that during the very early stages of fetal life, before the sex hormones have had a chance to do their stuff, all humans are basically bisexual. Among other things, you have two sets of primitive plumbing--one male, one female. Only one set develops into a mature urogenital system, but you retain traces of the other for the rest of your life.

It's tempting, therefore, to say that male nipples are yet another vestige of your carefree bisexual youth. Trouble is, male nipples are hardly vestigial. They're full-sized and fully equipped with blood vessels, nerves, and all the usual appurtenances of functioning organs. Why this should be so nobody knows--in some other mammals, such as rats and mice, male nipple development is completely suppressed by the male sex hormones. (Incidentally, don't start thinking that at one time our human male ancestors must have suckled their young. So far as anybody knows, male lactation has never developed in any mammalian species.)

Human nipples appear in the third or fourth week of development, well before the sex characteristics. (The sex hormones start to assert themselves at seven weeks.) As many as seven pairs of nipples are arranged along either side of a "milk line," a ridge of skin that runs from the upper chest to the navel.

Normally only one pair amounts to anything, but on about one baby in a hundred you can detect some vestige of the other ones, usually on the order of a freckle. There are cases of women who ended up with an extra breast, which made them freak show candidates not so many years ago. Luckily today the women can avail themselves of corrective surgery while the rest of us can watch Jenny Jones.

Anyway, both male and female babies are born with the main milk ducts intact--the gland that produces milk is there in the male, but it remains undeveloped unless stimulated by the female hormone, estrogen. Occasionally, a male baby is born with enough of his mother's estrogen in his body to produce a bizarre phenomenon known as "witches' milk," with the male glands, suitably stimulated, pumping away at the moment of birth.

In the adult male, the dormant glands can still be revived by a sufficient dose of estrogen. Actual lactation is rare--only a couple cases have been recorded. But at least one writer (Daly, 1978) has suggested that the "physiological impediments to the evolution of male lactation do not seem individually surmountable." Meaning we may yet see the dawn of the truly liberated household.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Poison Ivy - Brennesle

Why does poision Ivy (I believe this is the same as the Norwegian "Brennesle") grow places where people have urinated alot?
Fine - it grows near outhouses so it could come from the nitrous soil of manure - but it also grows in urination areas
(for you forreign readers out there, in Norway; many cabins have outhouses and also particular urination areas where the guys get to go when they need to go.
Well in these areas there grow alot of brennesle/poison ivy

So why is this?
Any of you out there know why this is?

Added: I looked up in the dictionary and it turns out the correct translation is "stinging nettle" - does anyone know the difference between stinging nettle and poison ivy?

Sweat Like a pig

Sweat like a pig - even in Norwegian; Svette som en gris
This is a completely illogical expression.
Since pigs dont have sweatular glands, how was this expression born?
Pigs dont sweat?!
Any suggestions from you people out there?

Drink urine or seawater?

Long time no hear, but now I am back with more random knowledge

I just bought a great book called "why do men have nipples"
I have decided to write up/albeit sometimes summarize when I get tired of writing/ some of the greatest points in the book.

If stranded on a desert island, should you drink seawater or your own urine?
Seawater is more than three times as concentrated as blood. Drinking saltwater forces your body to to deal with a more concentrated solution than its own fluids. As a result, your body must excrete it through the kidneys as urine. The kidneys can only make urine that is less salty than salt water, so if you drink seawater, you'll be peeing alot and losing an excess of water. This would cause your body to dehydrate, leaving an excess of sodium in your bloodstream. This again causes your cell to shrink and malfunction.
Muscles would become weak and ache, the heart would beat irregularly, you become confused and then you die...
Drinking urine is probably safer, but but the catch-22 is that you dont have any water to drink, you will become dehydrated and not produce any urine.